Semen Coicis Extract

  • Product name: Semen Coicis Extract
  • Latin name: Coix lacryma-jobi
  • Part used: Seed
  • Regular Specification: 10:1
  • Appearance & Color: yellow brown powder

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  • Semen Coicis Extract
Extract Powder
Juice Powder
Fruit Powder
Product describtion
    Semen Coicis (scientific name: Coix lacryma-jobi L.): It is a plant of the order Gramineae, Gramineae, and Coix. It is an annual stout herb with yellow-white roots, spongy, about 3 mm in diameter. Flower and fruit period from June to December.
    Mainly produced in China's Hubei Qichun, Hunan, Hebei, Jiangsu, Fujian and other provinces.

    Semen Coicis seed kernels are one of the traditional Chinese food resources, which can be made into porridge, rice, and various pasta for people to eat. Especially suitable for the elderly, the weak and the sick. Sweet, light, slightly cold in nature. Among them, the Siliu Mountain Village in Qichun is the most famous, which has the functions of invigorating the spleen and dampness, clearing heat and removing pus, and beautifying the skin.


1. It can inhibit tumor.

2. It has effect on hypoglycemic.

3. It is mainly used to improve the sleep.

4. It can strengthen the immune system.

5. Its oily component can inhibit the contraction of striated muscles.

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